The Unravelling


Pdf e-book for reading on any kind of device. How to stay safe and stay sane in a world going mad.



The list of threats to our freedom and comfortable existence grows longer and longer. Viral pandemics, lockdowns, mental anguish, terrorism, heatwaves, droughts, floods, famine, invasion of privacy, an increasingly totalitarian state, the potential for nuclear war, fake news, energy shortages, spiralling costs of living, climate change and biodiversity loss. Some say we’re approaching a tipping point which could trigger an irreversible collapse of the global ecosystem of which we humans form a part.
And virtually no-one is taking serious action to slow, let alone stop, our lemming-like flight towards the edge of the cliff.
It’s enough to make anyone feel anxious and stressed.
This book explains what’s happening in the hope that by exposing and exploring these issues, confusion and anxiety can become easier to handle.
The book contains some deep insights into the nature of reality and what we can all do to create a better world for ourselves, our families and our communities.