The End of the World as We Know It


Simplifying the science, telling it as it is, suggesting what we can all now do. A pdf e-book that can be read on any type of device.



Climate change, environmental destruction, terror attacks and viral pandemics present a real and present danger to our lives, our communities and our economies. But after the virus, there will still be climate change to contend with. It’s the greatest threat of them all.
It may feel like the the end of the world as we know it, but we have a window of opportunity to consciously create a new, fairer and ultimately more meaningful world. This book explains how. If you want anything like a secure future, it’s essential reading.
You will learn:
how Britain’s Industrial Revolution sparked the surge in fossil fuel emissions that led to climate change
the causes and effects of climate change and its link with habitat loss and new viruses
how catastrophes and disasters have become the new normal, and how they’re mostly man-made
how the climate shapes our bodies, our lives and our cultures
what the new world of a post-consumer society might look like
what you, your family and your business can do to help yourselves and help save the planet.
Rarely is a book so relevant and so important.