Reboot your Body


Learn the nutritional secrets and lifestyle habits that can add years to your life and help avoid disease and debility.

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Your guide to healthier living
The majority of people alive today should reasonably expect to live into their nineties. But for too many, the last 10-15 years will be at best boring, quite likely painful, and at worst so debilitating that they become a serious burden on their families and on state care. This need not be the case.
This book will show you how to maintain a healthy digestive system, build up your immune system, and adopt lifestyle habits that reduce your risk of disease, debility and decline. It’s based on a holistic approach which recognises the interrelationship between mind, body and environment.
The ‘Third Third’ should be the best part of your life. After all, it’s probably the first time you are free to make your own choices. The sooner you learn the secrets and adopt the habits, the better it will be.