I do the research so you don't have to.
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TheLonePenguin imprint
I use the imprint for titles which expose and explain topics of importance, using the tagline: A Voice of Reason in a Crazy World.
First published on the world’s then hottest day – 25th July 2019 – this is an updated version reflecting the unexpected reality of the coronavirus shutdown. The book presents the science behind climate change, summarising the key reports in an accessible manner. It also provides an extensive list of changes we all need to make to help save the planet, our communities and our lives.
15 years in the making
I was nervous about publishing this since people have been assassinated for less. Remember the ‘fatwa’ against novelist Salman Rushdie? And this is not even fiction. It’s a thoroughly researched and referenced study of religion, where it came from and how it has been so successfully imposed. The implications are genuinely terrifying.
Travellers' tales
This is an illustrated collection of stories and previously published articles from my various travels. Zanzibar, Greece, Spain, America, York, Egypt, Uganda and more. Plus an invitation to write your own . . .
Stay healthy
This arose from a trip I made to Arizona, spending time with a naturopathic medical practitioner. I was sufficiently fascinated and convinced that I carried out my own research. The results are set out here. Pretty much everything you need to know to stay healthy and live longer.